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What and who is a person who is individually enlightened and empowered?...
"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." 
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
We are each a highly complex and inter dimensional group of melded entities with spiritual purpose - your Higher-Self. Yet, we only "see" one face in the mirror. Although there are many truths, there is only one core truth - that truth is very simple; it is the love of God. Each will then have their own truth, which is based on the core truth of God within themselves. This is then your truth and what enlightenment is for you. 
God can thus not do anything on this planet unless it is through the Human Being.
People who have come to work with this truth are generally referred to as Lightworkers. But to really identify a true lightworker - have a look at their eyes.
A lightworker's eyes are very stable (w.o.w. they do not look all over the place - their attention is not diverted from their momentary focus). Yes, their eyes seem to reflect a brilliance that is found in clarity of the eye (sparkles) and the eyes seem to "smile", but more important than that, a lightworker's eyes have a soft and penetrative look (not stare) that conveys a knowing of peace and honesty.
A true lightworker knows that there is no pushing and pulling from an outside source - there is, instead, a dark/light balance in each Human heart. This is what is known as duality; and that is the test of the Earth.
What holds the cosmos together?
Our free will lies in the choices we have in either blindly following dogma or listening to our own life force.
Following dogma usually results in an unending host of do's and don'ts that need to be adhered to.
Following a built in guidance system also has rules; the difference is that cosmic rules are requested and activated by pure intent. Set rules are inflexible in their interpretation - and worse yet, they can be bent to suit needs; whereas cosmic rules stand above the need to explain and cannot be altered to suit adaptation. Cosmic rules are there to enhance an enlightened being's life, not to encase it. Did you ever think what an enlightened being actually is? I would propose that it is a person who relishes in the essence of the understanding of pure love, knowing that it cannot be explained to one who has not yet encountered it, and that to explain it takes away the energy of peacefulness that surrounds this understanding.
An enlightened person knows that there also has to be an element of trust when taking the "hand of Spirit" and moving forward. There has to be faith in cosmic intelligence:
Let's look at some..
The core emotion of the universe is that of love. All spiritual masters that have ever been, are and will be on Earth know that all too well. Love is the key for enlightenment of the Human Being.
We are all dearly loved, irrespective of anything. It is a cosmic given; it is a built in part of cosmic existence. It is. 
This is the most difficult cosmic law to accept and believe - for most.
In every Human being there lies a profound divinity. It is, however, not intuitive. It is felt enough to lead people to find/or reject God in some form or fashion of worship. The knowledge that you are God is not intuitive. Why? So that if you search for God, you mean it. For if it were a flirtation, you will never find any answers.
This is duality.
No Human can willingly un-know anything. Once energy is created, it is created. Experience can also not be erased. It becomes part of you for life, forever embedded within your knowledge. It is how you work with it (or not) that counts. This also counts for the ways one chooses to receive communication from Universal Consciousness. If, for example, one chooses to communicate with the Divine through altered consciousness, or cards, or numbers; this manifests as its language with you - it might, in all probability, not make much or any sense to another, but this would be the way that cosmic intelligence knows how to nudge you. Even if you choose to ignore it, it will not become un-learnd. 
You can never return to a less aware state.
Do we have to re-learn it all when we come back next time? Well, if that were the case I would most decisively have huge issues with the faeries!..., and then some!
The next cosmic law states that whatever has been learnt spiritually in one expression will carry over into the next. 
Just think of it in this way: Why then do those (who choose to recognise it), who seemingly had no spiritual training, have profound wisdom?
The reason most people are afraid to open this side of their God-given perception, is because then they have to face it; because once that symbolic jar is opened it cannot be closed. This is the reason most do not ever realise their own altruistic nature, because of the fear of their own mastery.
How does one not realise one's own intuition and psychic nature as given tools in the dance of life? By not acknowledging that those mentioned abilities are innate to every living Human Being; some just cannot bear the risk of fitting on that particular frock.
Another fear that goes along with the one mentioned above is the fear of allowing change to occur in your life. 
Change is, to many, a horrendous swearword. Rather the devil you know than the devil you don't!?
When pure intent is given to know who you are in this world as a spiritual being, you give permission to the cosmos to start rearranging things around you.
Finding God within you is by no long shot esoteric candyfloss.., it does change your life.., and this is what is so difficult to accept. Becoming enlightened is not for the faint hearted.
It is not that God finds pleasure in taking away love in any situation; however, the earth plane demands compensation for the honing of skills.
When a human decides to move into an inter dimensional state, the whole cosmos knows it. Your "u

niversal family" recognizes it. That which is you on the "other side" feels it. The God in one will always greet the God in another - the cosmos awakens when you do.
When you are not sure why you like someone, but you feel comfortable in their presence (I am not speaking romantically), it points to an unconscious recognition of spiritual life force emanating from another.
And lastly, have you ever wondered if that light for peace that you send to the war torn areas of the world, the political offices, and the downtrodden actually has an effect? It does. Every person affects the fabric of our cosmic existence. Our so-called future. Only one half of one percent of the human population is energetically needed to awaken peace on Earth. Governments will start making wiser decisions and ignorance will turn to wisdom. Sending light to other areas of the world and to other peoples of the world follows an intelligent design of cosmic proportion and has an effect on the minds of the cosmic participants. These are the Old Souls. It's the Old Souls who will make the difference; and many of these are children today.
Note: Even if a child is an Old Soul (currently known as Indigo/Crystal children), the emergence of their Light depends overwhelmingly on the upbringing they receive from their parents; and will consequently give to their own children. Parents are the focus, because without enlightened parents, the light of a child will in almost all cases fizzle and die, or at the very least be grossly delayed or just not come to fruition.


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