"10 Headlines Blueprints That Work Like Crazy" by Charlie Page
Are you interested in driving traffic to your website? Are you into list building or affiliate marketing? If so, you probably know the importance of a great headline.
Some think the ability to write a great headlines is the most important skill in copywriting; after all, if you don't have a great headline, your selling message won't get read.
This applies to solo ads, classified ads, sales letters, blog posts, social media marketing... basically anytime you communicate with the public.
In the email marketing and solo advertising business, any ad must have three key elements in order to be effective and profitable.
- A subject line (or headline) that causes the email to get opened
- An offer the reader wants
- A call to action that gets the reader to click now
- If your ad has these, you will likely do very well. If you get one of them wrong you risk losing profits.
But... how do you write a highly effective headline or email subject line?
A great trick is having a blueprint to follow. A simple "fill in the blanks" formula will empower you to crank out winning headlines and subject lines all day long.
So if you've ever wanted to write great headlines and subject lines at will, or been stuck and not known how to get started, the blueprints below will help.
Blueprint 1
"For _______, This Works Like Crazy"
The idea here is to use the classic combination of something the reader wants with a way to get it. By including "this works like crazy" you are saying "here's how to get what you want." Just fill in the blank to include what they want.
Your job is to provide the "what they want" part in the provided blank.
- For losing weight FAST, this works like crazy...
- For longer tee shots...
- For making money fast...
- For saving a marriage...
- For avoiding bankruptcyy...
- You should offer material that is interesting and directly related to what you are going to share in the email itself.
This subject line is great for just about any kind of mailing, and is opened for one reason only: it promises to reveal something that produces a result the readers want to achieve.
Blueprint 2
"Why Your ________ Won't _______"
This subject line is the exact opposite of the first one we looked at which hinted at producing results - this one hints at NOT producing results.
The fear of failing, not producing results, is one of the basic human motives.
The idea is to talk about what they want and then an appropriate negative statement at the end after the word "won't"(or can't).
Try something like "Why your... ":
- Diet won't work
- Business won't succeed
- List won't make you money
- Vacation won't be fun
- Credit can't be restored
- Who could resist opening up to see WHY? Not many of us, I can tell you that.
This is a great time to reveal a mistake or a problem or a hindrance... and then offer your product or service as a solution, which will produce profit for you.
Blueprint 3
"The biggest mistake ______________ make"
Again, fear is a powerful motivator. This subject line that focuses things your subscriber wants to avoid if he is going to achieve the results he is after.
This isn't just a mistake, it's the BIGGEST mistake; the most common error folks make regarding a particular topic and curiosity alone will get people to open up JUST TO SEE WHAT IT IS.
Try something like "The biggest mistake... "
- ... husbands make
- ... first-time parents make
- ... dieters make
- ... car buyers make
- ... dog owners make
HINT: Adding the words "and how to avoid it" or "how you can avoid it" works very well with these headlines.
Blueprint 4
"The Fastest Way To ____________"
This is another super-motivator, promise of gain. We all want results - and, let's face it - we all want them as quickly as possible.
This isn't just a way to success with a particular topic; it's the FASTEST way to success with a particular topic.
Additionally, I've found that if you can plug in SPECIFIC results it makes this one so much more effective.
Try "The Fastest way to... "
- Make $500 online!
- Lose 5 pounds!
- Play guitar chords!
- Speed read 75 pages!
- Cut insurance costs by 25%!
- It's important to make reasonable claims, not outlandish ones. "Make $500" not "$1,000,000", "lose 5 pounds" not "100 pounds."
There are two reasons:
If a person believes they can actually do what you mention, they're more likely to pay attention to you
Readers will subconsciously think they can INCREASE the results by DUPLICATING what you share inside. ("If he lost 5, I'll bet I can lose 10! ")
This compels readers to take a look because your claim is BELIEVABLE and ACHIEVABLE.
Blueprint 5
"Get Your ________ Questions Answered"
This is a great way to gather information, by surveying your mailing list.
By knowing what your potential customers what to know from you and what they want to buy, the better equipt you will be to give them just that. And the more likely they will buy it, when offered.
Try allowing subscribers to submit their most wanted question to you.
Answer their questions on things like:
- Blogging
- Weight lifting
- Insomnia
- Digital photography
- Pet training
HINT: You can change this headline to read "answers to your _____ questions" and it will work just as well.
Blueprint 6
"Something Every _____ Needs To Know"
This will stimulate the reader's curiosity: "What is it that I need to know?"
The word "need" is very powerful and compelling, giving the impression that something is a necessity.
Testing has shown that putting a special emphasis on people's inexperience will increase results of a headline, due to their eagerness to learn those things that you feel are necessary or required for success.
Make your headline about "Something Every... "
- New mother needs to know
- Something every college freshman needs to know
- First-time car buyer needs to know
- New affiliate marketers need to know
- Bride-to-be needs to know
- Newcomers to the subject want to know what they need to know. That's why they'll open this email and take a look inside.
Blueprint 7
"Here's A Shortcut For __________"
When you say "shortcut," something faster, stronger, easier, comes to mind. It gives an advantage or reduces effort or expense.
We all want to take the shortcuts in life, getting to our destination quicker.
"Here's a shortcut for ____." examples...
- Getting a great job
- Creating an ebook
- Boosting your memory
- Mastering Forex
- Learning to play piano
If you can tie in some kind of product, software or service that fully or semi-automates the shortcut, then you've got a very good chance of getting the sale. The point is this: If you can provide readers with a quality shortcut, but then also promote a product, software program or service that automates that shortcut, you're much more likely to get a sale.
Blueprint 8
"Here Is Your ________ Checklist"
One of the things that most people want is a set of instructions to follow to make sure things are done correctly. Offering a free checklist as your subject line is another great way to increase your open rate and get subscribers reading the mailings you send out.
"Here is your _____ checklist" examples:
- ... Interview checklist
- ... "Baby's First Year" checklist
- ... Wedding checklist
- ... Headline writing checklist
- ... Travel checklist
I personally have seen greater results by ENTITLING the checklist. Try "Here is your 'Acing Any Interview'; "Here is your 'The Perfect Wedding' checklist".
This adds more desirability to the checklist, and is the PERFECT spot to make recommendations for your product or affiliate products, for more information on every entry in the checklist.
If there is one email subject line and corresponding email message that EVERY LIST OWNER should have in their sequences somewhere, this is it. It's the surest way of making money with a list that I know of.
Blueprint 9
"A Great _______ Resource I Just Found"
This is a great way to promote an affiliate link, especially if there is some kind of free information or discount involved at the affiliate site.
- A great discount travel resource I just found
- A great free traffic resource I just found
- A great genealogy resource I just found
- A great anti-aging resource I just found
- A great home improvement resource I just found
There is an element of newness and freshness here with the "I just found" reference at the end of the subject line, which brings a sense of urgency - we desire to be the first to know, the first to use.
Blueprint 10
"This Ruins Most ____________"
This is one of the strongest in the group. It works again with the fear of loss super-motivator. It goes beyond sharing even the biggest mistake, to the point of revealing something that can have a devastating effect on the reader.
HINT: Don't overuse this one and don't use it for things that readers might consider "minor." There are products we promote that can have a dramatic impact on a person's life - this type of headline or subject line is best used for those types of products in my view.
- This ruins most dieters
- This ruins most newlyweds
- This ruins most marketing plans
- This ruins most affiliates
- This ruins most childhood dreams
Here you'd want to reveal the most disastrous, destructive stumbling block that the subscriber might face, along with a solution for avoiding it.
There you have it - 10 ways to write headlines or subject lines that practically demand attention and create real results.
Your action step
Take the headlines you are using now and compare them with these. Can you modify what you are using now to fit these blueprints? If not, take the blueprints above and apply them to every product you promote online. Then begin testing these headlines in the ads you place, articles you write and more.
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