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"Why God Creates Wars and Suffering" by Norma Holt

While many put these things down to man's inability to live peacefully it is the Spirit that changes our lives for better or worse. Only the God of Creation can destroy it and this is what religions endeavour to hide. They blame the so-called devil. The latter was invented as a prop to force people into accepting the laws and beliefs of the religions. Every one of them uses fear as its greatest weapon while heaven is the reward for compliance and faith. Not many want to risk that paradise so they suffer the real God's retribution.

"I am God, and there is none else; there is no god beside me... I form the light. And create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I God do all these things." Isaiah 45:5,7

With this being the case one must ask why? What is the point of creating such misery and chaos that wars and suffering bring about? The answer is in Old Testament prophecies where the Spirit laid down its plan. The aim is to bring the 'children of the Spirit', otherwise known as Israel, back to the Spirit at the end of days.

Meanwhile they were given over to the evil of the world to battle their way through the maze of lies, corruption, and misrepresentation that stretches forth from religions to engulf the world. Each time they died they were reborn. Six times and on the seventh occasion they are delivered.

"God shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee." Job 6:19

'Job' means 'work' and the Book of Job is the plan of God laid out from the beginning of the day of the lord until the end. Those who are strong in Spirit will survive the oncoming slaughter because they have the inheritance of eternal life.

"God layeth up iniquity for the children; God rewardeth them, and they shall know it. Their eyes shall see the destruction, and they shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty." Job 21:19

How many remained true to the Spirit when destruction came upon them? How many weakened and went after the religious gods and teaching when faced with extreme pain and sorrow? How many stood their ground and returned to do it all over again as man's hate and corruption was aimed against them? This is what the day of the lord has been about.

Each time they returned they came with stronger spiritual conviction and now they are standing tall against religions and declaring their power to the world. That power is from the Spirit and is the buried treasure of their inheritance. Only those who have grown strong in Spirit and have turned their backs and come away from the lies and false teachings will receive it.


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