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"Peace Is The Way" "(A Poem To Bring Peace)" by Bradley Morris

Many in the world say 'peace is the way',

And when you ask them what peace is, they're not sure what to say.

Peace has many faces, there's more than just one,

Compassion, Love and Kindness are some.

How does a world at war reach a peaceful state?

Forgiveness, Acceptance, learn to meditate.

Finding peace is a journey of self-discovery,

We must heal our wounds on the road to recovery.

The reason there's chaos in the world of today,

Is the minds of our people are filled with fear and dismay.

Finding peace in our lives starts with a simple choice,

Silence yourself and listen to your inner voice.

The truths of God will ring through loud and clear,

You will come to realize that everything is your mirror.

Many reject that it's all a reflection of thee,

But accepting the truth is what will set one free.

Now that you know, your journey starts here,

But how does one overcome all of their fear?

Practice, patience, persistence galore,

When the whole world does this, there will be no more war.

Peace starts now, it starts here with you,

Becoming the change is what you must do.

The time has come to heal your inner dimension,

As you do, you will begin your ascension.

The journey can be tough, it may hurt you at times,

In moments of doubt ask God for guidance and signs.

The answers will come in mysterious ways,

Sometimes in an instant...others in days.

Trust me my friend, it gets easier with time,

Your healings begun, you're going to be fine.

Be grateful, give thanks, these are good places to start,

Do this everyday, it will open your heart.

Bliss, Joy and Love are things to expect,

When the choice of peace is what you select.

So you see now my friend, peace is the way,

Now that you know how, you can get started today.

I wish you much luck, I know you'll do great,

I look forward to the day our worlds without hate.

Because you choose peace in this time and space,

The world is already a much better place.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you my friend,

The journey has started, it's time to ascend.


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