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"3 Primary Components of Your Sixth Sense" by Charlsie Winston

Your sixth sense is a sacred energy. It taps you into a higher state of consciousness and spiritual awareness.

Through developing your sixth sense you can make a greater connection with your Infinite Self and the eternal light within yourself. Once you open to more power from within and to the 'all knowing' which is part of your sixth sense, you can perceive life in all its subtlety and vastness.

By developing a higher awareness, you get more in touch with the energy of life. You gain a silent power and your life becomes less fearful.

Your sixth sense consists of three primary components. They are: the psychic sixth sense, the intuitive sixth sense and the all knowing sixth sense.

The psychic sixth sense, among other things, is the process whereby thoughts and information jump from one person to another. For example, the psychic reader picks up on the energy of the client's mind. Pieces of the client's attitudes and thought patterns are in the etheric and the psychic sees those thoughts in their mind's eye. . . through what is called clairvoyance.

Sometimes the psychic reader hears words go off in their head describing aspects of the client's life. . . through what is termed clairaudience. They feel the ideas, emotions and thought forms of the client.

Being psychic does not mean just being able to read into future and past events, or reading a person's mind. We are all psychic. We have simply forgotten this.

Many of our psychic skills are no longer called upon and have gone back into our subconscious due to the fact that we have television, computers and other machines to do the feeling for us. We no longer have our psychic facilities performing consistently in our daily life due to lack of use.

The psychic in us is our animal nature that civilization has pushed into the background. It can and needs to be restored so that you are drawn to a way of life that compliments the whole.

Fortunately, your psychic skills can be developed and awakened.

Intuition is slightly different from your psychic ability. It is often the sudden appearance of what was previously subliminal information from your subconscious mind. You may say, "I've got a gut feeling that this venture is going to be very successful."

So, where did that feeling come from? Through your intuition that feeling comes from subliminal information you pick up as you go along.

Sidenote: 'Subliminal' means, "below the normal threshold of conscious awareness."

Each day as you go about doing this and that, you pick up much more information than you are consciously aware. This information is stored in your subconscious. Later your subconscious sorts out this hidden information. In a quiet moment this intuitive, subliminal information will pop into your mind as a hunch or perhaps a strange thought that doesn't necessary connect to your current flow of thoughts. You seem to know things that 'logically' your intellect shouldn't know.

So, intuition is the accessing and retrieving of information that is buried deep within. . . subliminal information. You can enhance your intuition by constantly asking your subconscious to tell you what it knows that your intellect doesn't know. . . which, of course, is probably quite a bit and more likely of greater value!

Now to the third component of your sixth sense. . . your 'all knowing'.

Through your crown chakra you are linked to everything. And, it is through this link to everything you experience your all knowing.

The faculty of all knowing doesn't mean you will be perpetually all knowing. It means that you receive flashes of all knowing in your feelings, or through visions. The way this differs from your psychic ability is that it isn't a knowing that comes off another person's energy necessarily. It is more like information spilling out of the global mind, or even beyond that to an all knowing infinite intelligence to which we are connected.

Your all knowing usually operates when you're on your own and after you've developed serenity and silence in your life. It often deals with the spiritual aspects of life and is a teaching and guidance tool from a higher power.

So, by getting in touch with your intuition, your psychic ability, your all knowing. . . referred to as your sixth sense. . . you are giving notice to that spiritual and infinite part of yourself. Rather than being a victim of circumstances, one who is just carried along and only allows life to happen to them, through the development and utilization of these three primary components of your sixth sense, you can become the controller of your destiny.


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