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"Free Will, Karma, Fate & Destiny - Self-Mastery Won't Allow Your Future to be Less Fixed" by Scott Petullo

We find the level of ease in predicting life circumstances 
and events for those who are less self-aware is the same 
as it is for those who are more self-actualized.

If someone is fated to experience specific life situations, 
they will experience them regardless of what choices they 
make. From a spiritual viewpoint, there is less freedom in 
decision-making than most people seem to want to believe. 
Based on our research, a lot more in life is destined than 
people may want to accept.

Are we saying that since so much is fated in life that it's a 
waste of time to explore metaphysical concepts, or for that 
matter, to set and strive toward personal goals and make an 
effort to get as much as possible out of life? Absolutely not. 
We never advocate a passive, unproductive approach to life, 
other than letting go of trying to change what you can't 
change. First, one must "know thyself." Then a person can 
work toward his or her goals that are within their personal 
karmic plan.

Someone might ask, "If everything was mapped out for us, 
wouldn't we just be robots following orders placed by our 
higher selves? We do have some sort of freedom, don't we?"

In large part, if you want to view it that way, yes, each of us 
are simply following through within our own unique karmic 
directives, putting one foot in front of the other to manifest 

Look at it this way: each of us incarnates to learn specific 
spiritual lessons. If we had as much free will as we have 
before we incarnate as we do while we are incarnated, 
how many people do you think would actually chose to 
experience the tough lessons, or any lessons at all aside 
from absolute ego-self gratification?

As we've said before, we have found that everyone has 
some freedom to "create" within karmic boundaries while 
on this earth, but not nearly as much as most people seem 
to want to believe. If people could become "anything" they 
want to become, nobody would remain what they are.

The charts show that there is no escape from what could 
be termed as soul responsibilities: necessary personal 
experiences while incarnated on earth. The good news 
is that there is relief through acceptance, detachment, 
and unconditional love.


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