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"Karma, Past Lives & Reincarnation - Talking About it With Your Kids" by Scott Petullo

First, let's define karma. Karma is energy, intent, and 
action. It's put into motion in the present and you feel 
the effects now of the karma you've created during many, 
many, many past lifetimes. Karma is a spiritual law that 
affects everyone, just as gravity is a physical law that 
affects everyone. It's not something you can change 
immediately, just as you cannot alter the path of an 
approaching tsunami.

Instead, everyone has free will to react to karma. Plus, 
doing the "right thing" in all situations will prevent 
incurring additional negative karma.

Some people claim to be able to alter or delete karma 
without having to directly balance it. We would like 
to believe it's possible, but conclude after 24+ years 
of study in this area that it's impossible, and we've 
never seen anyone actually accomplish this. We're 
not talking about frivolous things, such as deciding 
to avoid a main highway during a rush hour snowstorm, 
thus skipping two hours of anguish. We're referring to 
key life circumstances and events, such as relationship 
and money issues. We've asked people who make such 
claims exactly what the karma was that they altered or 
deleted and how they knew it was their karma to begin 
with, and we have yet to hear a reasonable, 
straightforward response.

It's very important to note that just because you don't 
get what you want in a particular situation, it doesn't 
mean you have "bad" karma. Fate determines how your 
life unfolds. You then have free will to make the most 
of all situations.

How you perceive situations can make a big difference. 
For example, if one of your daughters didn't get into 
a college that she applied for, you might say it's "bad 
karma." Instead, it could be viewed as something that 
wasn't meant to be. Perhaps she was meant to follow a 
different career path.

Many kids encounter difficult circumstances like romantic 
interests treating them poorly, personal attacks from other 
students at school, or the countless other challenges that 
they have to work through. The traditional meaning of 
karma supports the idea that there are no victims, and though 
it's true from a spiritual viewpoint, that may sound a little 
harsh to a young person. Alternatively, while providing 
emotional support and guidance, suggest they consider that 
the challenges they work through now will help make them 
stronger, if you're not already doing this.

The best approach may be to allow your children to hold 
whatever beliefs about life they choose, yet also occasionally 
make helpful suggestions and offer guidance when 

Finally, try to encourage them to get in touch with their 
inner-selves through the practice of meditation (or artistic 
hobbies or cardiovascular exercise, to name a couple more 
ways). Becoming more aware of their inner guidance will 
help them be more aware of their optimum choices in all 
situations. Handwriting analysis is also a very useful tool 
to help identify hidden, subconscious fears and defenses. 
Self-knowledge does wonders for improving one's life.

For the skeptics, even if karma and reincarnation didn't 
exist (these concepts have yet to be proved invalid), 
encouraging kids to act as if they do helps them to 
understand the importance of taking responsibility for all 
their actions and doing the right thing in all situations.


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