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"The Battle of Good Versus Evil" by Sean M. Clarke

The subtle battle of good versus evil has been waged periodically since the earliest times. It is once again been fought in the subtle world during the years 1999 - 2006. After 2006 as the intensity of subtle battle has reduced, a gross battle on Earth will ensue. Thereafter, the world will undergo a period of flux recovering from the battle on Earth and preparing for a new era. This new era will be known as the Divine Kingdom and with it humanity will see a thousand years of peace and Righteousness. The times we live in are very significant, as the ramifications of this battle will be felt by the entire universe. However the current times are also highly conducive for spiritual practice to attain God-realization (the highest spiritual state).

The definition of good and evil

From a Spiritual science standpoint, people who are living or who have passed on, who have an intense desire to do spiritual practice with the goal of surrendering everything including ego unto God and aligning their life with attaining God are defined as 'good'. On the other hand, evil persons (living or subtle bodies) are raja-tama or tama predominant, unrighteous and have a high ego.

Where do good and evil come from?

Everything in the universe has originated from One God. The God principle permeates everything in the universe and also exists beyond it. From this perspective both good and evil have originated from the God principle. They have both existed since the creation of the universe. However the evil was in seed or latent form at that time. Since both good and evil come from the Supreme God principle, they also get their spiritual energy from God.

What is the mission of good and evil?

The mission of the good forces is to establish an order across all the regions of the universe based on the sattva component. On the other hand, evil forces strive to establish a demonic kingdom based on the raja and tama components. This demonic kingdom is a kind of kingdom that is most conducive for demonic forces to fulfill their desires. These desires have a wide range, right from indulging excessively in sensual pleasures and the inappropriate use of power, to troubling seekers of God, to wiping out spiritual practice for God-realization.

Where is the battle fought?

The battle between good and evil is fought mainly in the subtle worlds between the subtle good and subtle evil forces. After the subtle battle is won by the subtle good forces, it is followed by the battle in the gross (physical) i.e. on Earth. This gross war affects the entire world. At first the battleground manifests on Earth in people's minds and it seems like we are living in a world that has gone crazy. This is pretty much like the world in recent times. This is primarily because of ghosts (demons, devils, spirits, etc.) possessing or affecting mankind. Along with this there is an increasing intensity of natural disasters (floods, tsunamis, epidemics, drought, etc.).

Later the battle in the subtle manifests on our material plane and escalates on Earth. It finally presents itself as a major world war along with natural disasters of a monumental level. The primary reason for this is because of the increase in the subtle tama component that is associated with evil i.e. ghosts (demons, devils, spirits, etc.) and a society that lacks in spiritual practice and a lifestyle of Righteousness.

The scale of the physical battle will be unlike anything one has seen before and entire mankind will be affected. This is nature's way of cleansing the planet of the tama predominant elements, making way for a better world.


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