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"The Power of Reality" by Michelle Morovaty

Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out. We honor your presence.

Great day to you all on this magnificent day to be alive.
I love you. I love you. I love you.

The Power of Reality

The Power of Reality in the most optimistic way possible is to be in reality with one's Being.
How noble of us to blame our reality for the reality that really is! And how unkind of us to blame our reality based on our own conscious decisions.

The Power of Reality is really in our own consciousness once and for all as we choose to be aware of our own choices. The choices and decisions we make Now truly impact our lives on every level. Our decisions made in the Now create our reality Now and in the future. Wherever our future is!

The Power of Reality is in our own hands. And yes we have brought some unfinished business from our past lives in to the present to clear and to create freedom within. However our reality every moment is what we allow and create it to be. With all of our hardships, chaos, struggles and challenges we can in fact create realities in which we can accept our present life and move forward with acceptance.

Have you ever dealt with a situation where all of your energy was drawn out of you? This situation was so hectic in your mind that you did everything in your power to resist it and you found yourself ever so tired and exhausted.

Now on the other hand, have you ever experienced a situation where you were confronted with an issue and you chose to accept it right away? You chose to deal with it with calmness and stood tall as you were able to persevere through it with dignity and honor.

And what an honor it was to be able to deal and surpass this situation with acceptance. You created your reality as you chose to deal with it.

We create our realities by the way we listen to people. By the way we communicate with people. By the way we approach people. By the way we perceive people.

We create our realities by the way we deal with our circumstances. We create our realities by the way we interpret our challenges. We create our realities by the way we perceive our options.

We create our realities by the way we see ourselves in our minds eye. We create our realities by the way we think about ourselves. We create our realities by the way we feel about ourselves. We create our realities by the way we engage in life with life. We create our realities with our own Being.

If we smile more we create realities where we are smiled at. Whereas, when we frown we create realities where we are approached in such a way that is Not uplifting for both parties.
As if we are here to draw attention to the unwanted instead of the wanted.

Let us start today by creating our realities by the True power within us.
Let us Create from the Power of our Truth.
Let us Create from the Power of our essence.

That is with the Power of our Faith in ourselves and our abilities to transform our lives inside and out. If truly a change, a healing and a transformation is your desire, Know that you are in no way a victim of life. You are in fact a Powerful Delightful Caring essence of the light of the Universe. And with this absolute truth all things are possible.

The time has come to simply let go and put behind the old way of thinking and start anew. A new beginning as you stand tall Right where you are physically and spiritually and make a declaration to your true self. A declaration such as you will start to create the realty in which you desire to live in and live by. And know that you shall prosper through your declaration. You shall take the appropriate actions to achieve your goals inside and out and you shall set an example for your reality.

For truly with your Power to create your reality all things are possible.

Use your mind power to create such a life that you shall simply be with awe with your abundant self. And you shall solely want to give of your True Self on to others as you will be filled and fulfilled with the light within you.

Go forth knowing that the Universe is in total support of you day and night. For you are truly lovely and insightful inside and out.

Bless you and so it is.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Please feel free to share and forward these Insights with your family, friends, teachers, students, co-workers and enemies to support others in creating their reality with the Power within.

May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

With Love, Gratitude and Respect,
Michelle Morovaty
Truly, With God All Things Are Possible


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