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"The Secret - The Uneducated Parents Who Killed Their Child's Dreams !" by Vish Writer

Children are God's greatest gifts to the world. It surprises me when adults try to teach children how to grow up and yet most of the children when they grow up they have learned nothing about life. The reason is simple. Parents themselves know nothing about life other than opening bank accounts, and sending children to school. Don't get me wrong here i salute all those parents who sacrifice everything for their children.... But all the parents commit one big mistake....

When I was a child, I had someone to scold me when I did something wrong. It could be my school teacher, my mother,father, or my grandmother... i did not enjoy any of their scolding yet I was dependent on them to a certain extent and had to keep quiet....

When I grew up and became an adult I was no longer dependent on them... I lived life according to my own terms... There was no one to scold me and even if they did I did not care a damn for them.... I lived life as if no one was watching me, as if I could get away doing anything... I am sure many of you might agree with me...

When you grew up you thought you knew everything about life.You thought you knew everything about sex, you thought you knew most of the things about leading a honest and sincere life... You went about your daily life systematically based on your set rules and it seemed to be working OK for you... You wanted your child to have the best education and you strived hard for it.... But the biggest mistake you made was you stopped educating yourself.... You thought that after you completed your basic education you had nothing to learn. You became like a robot totally mechanized . 90 f your activities did not require you to think.... You became stagnant like a pool of water which stopped flowing.. You continue to live but you did not grow....

Parents make the biggest mistake when they stop learning after becoming an adult.... John F Kennedy one of the famous American Presidents of all times could read 2500 words per minute which is ten times the average reading speed . When asked he used to say that there is so much knowledge to be gained that you cannot afford to be complacent.... I am not talking here of reading daily newspapers,commercial magazines,romantic and suspense novels and what not... They are all good in their own right but of very little use to you and your child. How can you impart the highest knowledge to your child when you yourself are dumb about the greatness of life? You know at the back of your mind that your life sucks, that your life could be a million times better than it is currently and I am not talking here of comforts, i am talking about mental richness. You know that you are capable of so many great things, that you have so many wonderful ideas, so many novel thoughts within you... If you could not manifest the greatness within you what makes you think your child can? He too would fail once he/she grows up... Just like you failed because your parents failed...

When you see truth at its face it smiles back at you and imparts you with the highest knowledge... Think about all this in a better light...

It is said that every good thought that a parent thinks gets passed on to his child...In a like manner all your stinking thoughts also gets passed on to your child...No one in this world can escape this spiritual law.

You don't even have to do any good my dear parent, just think good. Facilitate the process of mental richness starting today. Build a mental bank which is so rich, so powerful , so full , that you, your spouse, your children,grandchildren and everyone else can draw the highest knowledge from it at will and become one of the greatest individuals in this world....Wouldn't you want to do that my dear parent? What is stopping you from doing that?

Start the process right now... Drink the highest knowledge as you drink your cup of tea everyday. I can only warn you that you are being watched by the creator of the universe. Your child's life is at stake and you better take action right now.


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