
Info Post
"Facts About Google Finance" by Rajot Chakraborty

Google Inc is one of the most respected companies in the world and, according to Fortune Magazine; it is also the most preferred employer in the world. It is a fact that "Google" has become a part of our vocabulary and is synonymous with online searches. Many young people use the term 'Google it' instead of saying 'search it' which shows the degree of impact it has been able to create on people.
Many important and useful services are offered by this company apart from the search engine service, they are mainly YouTube for video hosting, Orkut for social networking and a recently launched service called Google Finance etc. Apart from the internet based services the company is also the developer of the popular mobile operating system called android. Thus, it's a giant corporation with billions of dollars in assets and turnover and a business module which is diverse, expanding and advanced.

Google Finance:

It is a service that was launched in 21st of March, 2006 and has been active since then and is available in most countries around the world. The first Non-US country to have it was Canada; it was designed to provide a specialized search experience for information about the financial sector like trends, live market updates, stock news, financial news from around the globe etc.

Surprisingly not too many people use it or are aware of the various facilities associated with it. There are many advantageous of this financial service, they are:

1) It is an absolutely free of cost market information guide which takes live feeds and provides real time market information.

2) It takes input from search results on a given day to predict the kind of stocks or FOREX that people can trade in to reap maximum profits. As it is the market leader in search engine, so it has a reliable database to get the required information for such kind of predictions.

3) It has a unique feature called 'get quotes' through which we can get real time information about stocks of a company listed with NASDAQ. For example, if we type in 'HP', it will give us the current stock value of 'HP' as per NASDAQ.

4) Google Finance contains vital statistics about the monthly, quarterly and annual financial performance of various MNCs which can help people in deciding about the kind of company they can invest their money on.


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