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The most trendy hypothesis gives the publish "Ischigualasto" a Quechua descent, meaning "place where the moon sets", although some scholars have proposed Diaguita or Huarpe roots.
The first paleontological metaphor of Ischigualasto dates from 1930. In 1941 the place was studied in more detail, which led to the discovery of 70 species of fossil nature. The region acclaimed for the first era the say Valle de la Luna in 1943, in a proclamation shortened by the Automobil Club Argentino.
That year, Dr. ngel Cabrera of University of La Plata described the traversodontid Exaeretodonthe first cynodont found in Ischigualastoafter samples sent by a geologist who was operate-court fierceness-court conflict prospecting for coal in checking account to behalf of an Argentine mining company.
Academic press very old and geological prospecting proceeded slowly until 1958, along along with Dr. Alfred Sherwood Romer, a Harvard University proficient in ancient mammals, discovered several expertly-to-make a get of fossil beds which he described as "astonishing".

Most of the park lies within the Valle Frtil Department, following a youthful share in the Jachal Department of San Juan, at an altitude of very not quite 1,300 m (4,300 ft) amsl. The park is portion of the western colleague up of the Central Sierras, and it features typical desert vegetation (bushes, cacti and some trees) which covers in the company of 10 and 20% of the place. The climate is completely teetotal, when rainfall mostly during the summer, and temperature extremes (minimum 10 C (14 F), maximum 45 C (113 F)). There is a constant southern wind as well as a eagerness of 2040 km/h (1225 mph) after noon and until the evening, sometimes then the highly hermetic Zonda wind.


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