
Info Post
The Sundarban Mangrove tree-plant is earsplitting the forest of Bangladesh. It covers an place of re 5900 sq. km. The make known may have been derived from the Sundari trees that are found in Sundarbans in large numbers.
It provides snappish economic resources including timber and wood, firewood and raw materials for such industries as matches, pencils and large newsprint fabricate. Honey and wax are in profusion and skins of pythons and reptiles are sought after. The forest is the abode of the Royal Bengal Tiger. The paper describes the flora and fauna and species composition of the forest, its creature and climatic aspects, economic and ecological importance to the people of Bangladesh. A advance is also made for multidisciplinary research a propos mangrove ecosystems hence that swear and supervision of these necessary resources can be carried out not far away-off off from a sealed scientific and sustained agree basis. The place is known for the eponymous Royal Bengal Tiger, as gone ease as numerous fauna including species of flora and fauna, spotted deer, crocodiles and snakes. Additionally, the Sundarbans serves a crucial do its stuff as a protective barrier for the millions of inhabitants in and as regards Khulna and Mongla closely the floods that outcome from the cyclones. Can be name in a word Sundarban is a in view of that helpful for us, and it is for that excuse beautiful.

Some Pictures of The Natural Beauty of Sundarban


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