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"Why Religions Shun Supernatural Power" by Norma Holt

While they claim to be organisations ordained by God not one has a leader who recognises supernatural power as experienced by many in their communities nor admits to things like reincarnation. Miracles are common place and ordinary people are praying for those who are instantly healed of all types of diseases, addictions, relationship problems, and so forth. Many receive visions and prophecies but, according to religious leaders, these things cannot happen.

Religions are based on mystery and hidden power that cannot be seen or felt. Followers are blinded by threats and fear and forbidden to explore other faiths on the grounds they will go to hell. This is the force that generates hatred and terrorism. The expectation of a heavenly home after death is greater than tapping into their common sense.

Following my reincarnation and passage to a new life the knowledge that there are no such places as heaven or hell came with me. Likewise there are no devils, angels, saints or any other form of god except for the one and only Great Creator of the Universe.

"I am God, and there is none else; there is no god beside me... I form the light. And create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I God do all these things." Isaiah 45:5,7

With their acceptance of man-made prayers and false gods the majority are in a situation where the retribution from the Spirit is bringing about devastation on an unprecedented scale. Landslides; earthquakes; tsunamis; floods; drought; cyclonic winds; super fires; and other events are everywhere. It was all foretold and written down more than 2,000 years ago. Isn't it time to broadcast it instead of shunning the power and denying its existence?

The facts are religions cannot survive the lies and make-believe of their existence and as people wake up to them there is a big falling away taking place.


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