
Info Post

A Place To Worship by Arleen Kaptur

If you belong to a congregation, no matter the religion, 
sooner or later you will be asked for suggestions or 
ideas for improvement. The church leaders would like 
to know how to reach out to more people, what do 
individuals look for when searching for a house of 
worship and other such questions are usually the 
norm. If not a formal inquiry, then a suggestion box is 
usually placed in a prominent place for all to contribute 
as they see fit.

Suggestions and opinions have been presented across 
the world. They range from - we need a bigger parking lot 
to the color of the entrance doors. They may range from 
the need for more groups or even sports for the younger 
generation. All these are important in their place but not 
to the question presented. What the real quest is what 
people look for in a house of worship.

When someone is seeking a home for their prayer life and to find 
spiritual guidance, the size of the parking lot and the number 
of clubs is not on their agenda. While these may improve the 
social lives of the church group, they do not entice those whose 
purpose is what the church purpose should be - to provide the 
place and resources to grow spiritually and to reach out to beliefs 
and doctrines as they choose to embrace.

In other words, when someone enters the church or chapel are 
the words being spoken reaching their hearts, and are the concepts 
and the ideals touching their souls. Spirituality is very personal and 
people sometimes are not really sure what the void is that they feel, 
but they know it when they encounter it. It may be the warmth of 
the clergy or the love that is felt as soon as they open the door. It 
may be something as simple as the reverence and awe-inspiration 
they sense as they join the group. The prayers or word images make 
them feel at peace or at least hopeful. It is not a "thing" that needs 
to be considered, it is a feeling, an emotion, and it is spiritual. Many 
times members who have been members for a while lose the reason 
as to why they are where they are at the moment. They prayed here 
for years and now their contentment has lost the real meaning as to 
why they really are there. The idea to worship, find peace in their souls, love 
and acceptance seem to have been put aside. The prayers are 
a memorized repeat and the songs, well, they are just there. Nothing 
special but okay.

The reason churches,chapels, and houses of worship are there is to 
provide a service. They provide the means here on earth to reach to 
the heavens and also to reach deep inside of each individual. It is a 
mutual quest to find reason for the journey and the means to reach 
the end. It is comfort in knowing they are not alone, and it is pride in 
knowing that they can walk the walk even though they falter and fall 
sometimes. Prayers are a way of expression, and the color of the 
walls, while impressive, do not make or break a relationship with the 

The next time you walk into your house of worship, picture yourself 
doing it for the first time. What are the emotions that arise in your 
spirit and are you satisfied? Is this a place that you will find the peace 
that we all seek, or is the hum of voices at meetings on the lower 
level what seems to be the central theme? It will never be what the 
true reason of a house of worship is - unless it exudes its 
purpose like a song from the mountaintops. The parking lot will not 
bring in new converts, but the joy in this house of God most assuredly 
will. Look at the other members and 
see the light in their faces which can only 
come from their souls. If it is so bright that you instantly know they are being fed soul-food, then you are on the right path in your choice of a place to call home. So, the next time you are asked for suggestions, put the material 
aside for a while and ask your heart. It just may surprise you with a 
suggestion or opinion that you kept under wraps because it just got 
muddled away with the social activities.

If each church sought first the true spirituality of its house of worship so 
that its members were given all the tools they needed for their trip through 
life, then the rest would just fall into place. The Almighty would also smile 
on this place of prayer with sunshine and souls so rich in belief and goodness 
that the dark of the night would be lit up around the world. 
Just think about it.


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