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"Am I Worthy?" by Michelle Morovaty

Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out and the Daily Universal Insights. We love to love to honor you.

A loving day to you all. I love you. I love you. I love you. 

"To be worthy of oneself is to be worthy of receiving a hug from oneself and others".

Go ahead today and give yourself a Big Hug today and give someone you love or willing to love a Hug too. What do you have to lose? Bless you.

Am I worthy

Am I worthy of having a well paying job?

Am I worthy of creating a Beautiful and Connected relationship with a man or a woman?

Am I worthy of visiting historical and delightful places?

Am I worthy of eating Nourishing and Healthy food?

Am I worthy of having a Fit and Strong body?

Am I worthy of earning X amount of dollars?

Am I worthy of following through with my studies?

Am I worthy of spending time on myself?

Am I worthy of Love?

Am I worthy of being Prosperous and Healthy?

Am I worthy of doing things that bring Joy to my Soul?

Am I worthy of being close with God and all that Is?

Am I worthy of the Oneness?

And Now you can ask yourself specific questions in direct relation to your life at this time to free yourself of the unworthiness that you have created in your mind.

Once upon a time you experienced a situation, heard someone say something to you and decided that you are not good enough and not worthy of.............................. This is Not the Truth of who you are. This is just your Spiritual Learning in this life time.

You may reject these false beliefs any time you choose to. Right Now?

Why Not? Right Now is the perfect time to reject and disassemble these unwanted and dis-empowering beliefs and decisions. There is no better time that Right Now for you to confront your False Self and call in your True Self to come through to shine the light within you.

You are so worthy of everything that is on your wish list for your Highest Good. 
Pay attention to the words "Highest Good". Meaning what is best for you.

Obviously a car that you really want but can't afford is not for your highest good for it will most probably create debt for you. Such examples are endless and are plausible.

Today I invite you to write a list of what it is you want in life. Be specific. See it in your mind's eye. Feel the emotions of Gratitude, Joy and Passion and ask yourself if you believe that you are worthy of or Not.

If a No answer rises, fear not for you are the creator of your destiny. Dissolve the false belief and create a New belief for yourself.

A new belief such as I am worthy of ...............for I am a Magnificent and Deserving child of God and the Universe.

Or a belief such as I am worthy of .................for I am a Creative being of the Light.

And so you get the idea. Create your own beliefs and suggest them as affirmations daily into your Unconscious mind. Your Unconscious mind Loves to receive new beliefs from you. Make them Creative and affirmative to enhance your life in every way.

Know that with your Determination to Create a new mind set All things are Possible. You are Not alone for the Universe is Right by your side for you are truly worthy and deserving of the Love within this Universe.

Bless you and so it is.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Please feel free to forward and share these Insights with your family, friends, lovers, teachers, students, boss, helpers, associates and enemies to Create a world of endless Love inside and out.

May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

With Love, Gratitude and Respect, 
Michelle Morovaty 
Truly, With God All Things Are Possible


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