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"Beyond The Shadow" by Michelle Morovaty

Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome from Spirituality Inside and Out to all the new readers. It is our pleasure to serve you. We know that you will enjoy these Insights as you are being present with each and every Insight every day.

Great day to you all on this New day of Inspiration. I love you. I love you. I love you. 

Tools For Life - Beyond The Shadow

Beyond the shadow of the heart is your True Self, ever so loving you as you.

Beyond the shadow of your heart is your Inspiration.

Beyond the shadow of your heart is Forgiveness.

Beyond the shadow of your heart is your loved one.

Beyond the shadow of your heart is Unity.

Beyond the shadow of your heart is You.

You are simply present to fulfill your heart's desire. Letting go of the shadows created in this and other life times is the call of the day. How can you release all of the heart's pain, suffering, lack, disgust, fear, worry, doubt, sadness, anger, resentment, jealousy and ignorance in one day?

You can start by jump starting the motor in your being by your intention and desire to clear yourself of the unwanted corrupted past.

I ask you this question, "What are you holding on to"?

Let go of the bruised ego Right Now. It does not do you justice. You are so precious and your ego does not allow you to see this.

Have you heard of any one being awarded for the Illusions they behold inside? 
Have you heard of any one being awarded for their perception of being victimized inside? 
Have you heard of any one being awarded for their conception of their anger inside?

Now, again and again however we hear about those Amazing Inspiring human beings whom are making a difference in their lives and in the lives of others. Do you see them standing at the alter and talking about all the unwanted distractions in their lives for their Inspirations and calling?

Do you see these Magnificent human beings making a transformation in the world by living with their shadows? Or have they chosen and respectfully committed to living a life of love and all attributes that constitute a life of organization of the True Self? There is so much to talk about on this subject and so little time Right Now.

Knowing that time is on your side, we will let the Universe Guide us as to how we can release the shadows from our hearts so that we can live a life of light in our hearts with Openness and Gratitude.

Let us today and everyday go beyond the shadows of the heart. Let us be still Right Now and acknowledge what is the cause of the pain within and do everything in our Power to resolve and let go to enhance and live a life of well being. Truly we are worthy and deserving of living this life with Joy and Understanding towards ourselves and others.

Bless you and so it is.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Please feel free to forward and share these Insights with your family, friends, associates and enemies to go beyond the shadows to Create Oneness.

May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

With Love, Gratitude and Respect 
Michelle Morovaty 
Truly, With God All Things Are Possible


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