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"Blasts of High Vibration Energy are Disorienting and Perplexing All of Us" by Faith Lynella

A Spiritual Hangover Differs from any Other Puzzling Event

You can't help wondering what's really causing all the chaos in the world - in your own life. One thing is certain, you're feeling less and less in control of your circumstances.

These intrusions into your attention are mildly annoying and uncomfortable (like the buzzing of a mosquito just outside of your field of vision). But their behavioral influence is cumulative. Small shifts under way in so many aspects of your life add up to immense changes going on overall.

Many people are experiencing a different kind of energy than what they're accustomed to. It ebbs and flows in intensity, hence the lurching hangover sensation. This isn't a permanent state - only a stage between what's well known and what's still coming into focus for us all.

How well a person handles the erratic and unfamiliar bursts will improve as the process goes along. But it's already wreaking havoc with many assumptions, beliefs, and habits you've long counted on.

Disorientation Throws you Off

People are receiving significant mental and emotional upgrades before they've acquired the basic spiritual "muscles" to handle them. And that doesn't feel good to them. It's rather like finding yourself halfway up Mt. McKinley before you acquired any protective gear, or learned to climb mountains.

Our individual challenge is to somehow make sense of this turmoil. Then flow with the shifting patterns, rather than resist and deny their reality. All these seemingly random dots don't appear to be related, but they bring to light a vastly larger picture. Seeing it will demand that you obtain a brand new frame of reference.

Spiritual Hangovers are:

- Widespread - many people are feeling the effects, which are showing up in every aspect of their lives

- Intense and insistent on being noticed - increasingly intrusive and disruptive

- Undermining your confidence in authorities and established norms

- Likely to continue for some time - a process of cycle after cycle

- Progressive - as they build in intensity

- Personal, social, and planetary

- Unlikely to diminish until a stable state emerges - the True You How You Relate to Change is Also Changing

If you're consciously aware of being disorientated, these effects are already becoming an established reality in your life. I'm not predicting that something is about to change. Take note: these energetic changes are well underway, and you are responding to them in some fashion.

These surging and ebbing high-vibration energy patterns affects everyone in different ways. But it is affecting everyone-whether they recognize it or not. You alone determine your degree of willingness to deny its influence - or to flow with it. Your attitude won't alter whether the changes will play themselves out (since they will). But your receptivity does affect the amount of inconvenience (or how long the Spiritual Hangover process is going to take).

The important thing to know is that these seemingly random and crazy events are not purposeless. They are nudging each of us to grow in ways we'd just as soon ignore. But as the familiar becomes more uncomfortable, the need to change is more compelling. Before it's all over that you will acquire abilities you didn't have any notion about before. The roadmap in How to Survive a Spiritual Hangover shows what's coming. Figure out how to read the perplexing signals, so you'll get the best possible mileage from the journey ahead.


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