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Liberating The Inner Consciousness by Carl-Collins Oshodi


The fact is, there is too little manhood in men. Earnestness of the right sort as conspicuous by its absence. Such things as spiritual unfoldment - the conquest of self (only mystics AND believers of the eternal Master care to critically weigh the pros and cons of this world order will understand what spiritual unfoldment and self-conquest means), these are strived after by few men. Hence when they resolve upon achieving these, the initial difficulties quench their odor.

First of all, we must realize these higher teachings, if we have not done so in the past. We must love them as the only things worthy of achievement. It is not the passion of selfish growth that should grip up, but the clear, cheerful atmosphere of purity that should be our guide. Then when the thoughts of mind are strung up to action we should find nothing difficult of achievement.

Come day, go day, we must strike to our resolve like grim death. Nothing can crush the indwelling spirit, when it has learned to recognize itself. Let us cherish, nourish, and embrace our higher nature by taking upon our shoulder a little of the heavy law of Karma of the world, which is fast changing. Let us do all that we can for our spiritual growth, let us remember that selfishness when it develops is like a serpent that warms to life by the heat of our hands. Do not then nurse this viper in your bosom. Be as helpful as you can.

You are the master of your own Karmic Wheel, this is what the great books, teachers have taught me; I have grasped them without hesitation and today I m sure confidant that It is truth. Men are going up an ascending scale of existence. Some have their feet still planted upon the lowest rungs of the ladder. Other has climbed higher and higher. At the start, the functions of life are all performed upon a semi-conscious plane. The law of life and its understanding is for progress, struggle, achievement and realization. The force of this law however swings the physical and mental mechanism of man to its own beneficent purpose and propels them to action. Progress at this stage is on the subconscious plane of mentation an inductive and pragmatic step towards soul liberalization. The soul is in a comatose condition. Impacts from the physical world, the driving power of the law of progress - evolution - and the inherent powers of the soul, all combined to push us on.

Man's central being is infinite bliss. We are happiness ourselves, and we are sometimes unhappy because our eyes have grown blind simply because we are ignorant. Yes, man has forgotten his real divine nature (the inborn drive) of spiritual identity. If we can understand these tendencies, then we will know that man is being worked upon by a divine law whose stern mandate is "Awake, Arise, and stop not till the goal is reached" I am a living example to this fact, thus cycle after cycle of activity thus goes on in our endeavor to re-define our soul-force and enthusiasm to understand whatever is stored in the brain, and worked by the soul flux.


I advice you to read sacred things and then reflect upon them. Study the feeling and thoughts that arise within you. Leave the faults of others alone. Then look upward, but never look down upon your inferiors. This is the only secret that's have testified of the truth for billions of years. If you study and meditate, if you analyze yourself honestly, you will bury all your weakness in the light of knowledge. Live up to your desire and aspirations, if you fail in the course, rise again and again and yet again. Therefore assert yourself; and strength will surely come. Be utmost and sincere in your wish, strong in your resolve and understanding, nothing can stand in your path.


Once again look ever upward and onwards on things you have very much desired for, and of which the flesh frowns on. Do not be waved by the almighty and devastating Wind of men's manipulation, and threat of the trick-star, it will only bark but can never hurt you. Nature with her pitiless ways cannot claim mercy for herself. Her laws are hard. Be it a sin of commission or of omission, your escape is impossible. This penalty bears a mission peculiar to itself. It is a blessing in disguise; it is the merciless knife of the surgeon. If there is loss, pains, suffering, disappointment at one pole, it is all counterpoised by the ripening of experience, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Hence measured on the scale of compensation, all pains must be faced with patience.


Pains come in jangled vibrations, seem to asphyxiate the whole man, and strike us down for the much needed lesson of life. In suffering we pay our debts, and by surrendering our flesh and denounce all that is sense perception, we heighten our resolve to return to our maker, and denounce our eternal allegiance with the Devil - the Lord of this world. The burden is lightened.

Sin and suffering are twins and separation is impossible. How we wished we are Scot-free; how like miserable stricken, we wish our bed had no crumpled rose leaves. Yet would you, who weep and lament be able to minus the experiences and wisdom you have stored up through effort to brush pain aside? No rights have we then to rule out pain as a visitation of a wrathful deity - a confused potter and crackpot for that matter. Rather, we shall see cause and effect, not somewhere and sometimes, but every where and always. That is the everlasting positioning of strength you may have applied to regain your consciousness against ignorance and weakness. Every sweetness has it sourness.


Let's confront fate with fate, fire with fire, and standing aside, see the one eat the other. The end of all world systems is the destruction of our naivety and paternal ignorance, all sway to the end of our greatest good. Not some milksops and lunatics, but men who have dare challenge the chief potters, great souls coming was to expose this hidden mysteries to the awareness of men so that they may know the truth and saddle home to their true creator all by themselves.

This knowledge is deathless, birthless. Truth established in the soul of men, which was hidden from the face of Mankind, least they know the way of truth which leads to the Kingdom of God. Clay and clay differs they say, so thought and thought vary in power, tenacity and texture. Man is a living magnet. He attract, he repels, he draws in his own; he throws out what is not related to him. As my father Late Professor W.A. Oshodi would say.

Truth comes to us which are ours by right of thought; a reality flies off from us which are not ours. What we seek we shall find; what we flee from, will flee from us. Everything on the zone of our mental vibration will be ours. Thought is a mighty force. It is your friend. It is your enemy! As your ideas in life are so will your soul parade, along that line will everything flow.

You are a spark from the eternal fire. And as is proved in higher mathematics, the parts of infinity are infinity; you too are infinity. This is the logic beyond every philosophy, science and the logic of man. God Himself re-exists in each liberated soul form. His light shines full upon your consciousness from within the soul energy propensity. You wish, you command, you demand, you assent, and you get - what you want; though you go to sleep, your thought if sufficiently vitalized by concentration will come to pass and continues in the other phase of things. Determine the breath, the solidity, and the soundness of the plank of life you stand upon. You are your master, because God made you a free soul, even though we fell from his kingdom due to sin into a lower sphere of Alchemy.

Knowing and realizing this, you shall step up the highest and best in life and with firm hands pluck the fruit you would taste. The sweet, the bitter or the bittersweet taste is accordingly designed as you choose. Where and what is fear then? It is all cause and effect, laugh at Astrology, at science; know their secrets; know they are emanations from you; and stand fearless and strike straight from the shoulders, once, twice, thrice, innumerable, till your strokes tell; till your strokes lay low the monster that have broken their teeth upon your unyielding shoulders; till your personality are squeezed from the dawn of reality itself. What is enough is that, in the end of things, you are but a realized soul-person, what I have termed "The Animal plus God Individuality".

Before the darkness strikes, you will be transformed into an alluring bleak of bliss, into a realm far more blissful and sophisticated where no death exists, where no pain unflinchingly pervades us. This are what our souls can see and grasped. Due to its (Soul's) imprison into the human body, it cannot move, except faintly in the dream state, where the Spiritual master could only whisper to our soul, and with this whisper helps us to move ahead of others in the scheme of things more abundantly without qualms.

I have said enough!!!

My Life is a simple one, a very well organized aspect of living. I grew up to be the man i had always wanted to be, and no matter, i will always be what i want to be in life, making those who trust in me very proud people. My Goal is to make a breakthrough in the area of art as it is in science, space, technology and Mathematics. As Mathematics has lead to higher truth, i believe beyond all reasonable doubt that reason alone in the contemporary issues of Humanity will also lead me to higher through. I have tried in my search to finding lasting solutions to the ethical problems of men, and that like the maze of life, we all must stand and pick up the bones, which in a nutshell has been left to rot.


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