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"The Human Evolution" by Dimitri Karalis

We some times wonder why knowledge and truth are not always the same and change appearance constant like the kaleidoscope. "In the same water of a flowing river; nobody can ever swim twice, said the philosopher Heraclitus, because new water flows all the time". The same happens also with the unfolding intellect. The progressive mind and soul of man, never sees knowledge and truth identically twice. Today's perception is progressed with some better one to morrow and we do not need to be ashamed of our unfolding nature. Mental and soul growth means renewing everlastingly, otherwise we become fossilized intellectually if we remain stationery to long like the lower animals do.

No matter how perfectly and beautifully we finish our creative work; it seems to be deficient when we scrutinize it again. Every letter and article that we write, one feels that it needs editing again if we read it for the second time; "All things are flowing", voicing the above mentioned philosopher again. It is impossible for a progressive mind and soul to remain stationary, because it does not depend on exogenous dogmas to stay at its feet; but relies strongly on its internal growing perception. The only thing that asks from society and state is the right to express it self freely. No one has the right to control and restrict the thoughts of a free citizen.

Freedom of expression is the most precious human jewel; it is the organ for human development and for advancing the culture of society in general. Humans are trying to do the best for their lives if they are left alone to think and investigate freely. This was the aim of Plato, when he was composing his book "The Republic". He new to well, that mental and soul restrictions are catastrophic for the intellectual and spiritual progress in a progressive state. Mental restrictions humanity lived in the middle century with the Inquisition against all free thinkers.

They created the gruesome and shameful dark era, where countless bleeding martyrs of the Renaissance, sacrificed their lives to bring back the freedom of expression in Europe today. Human growth does not usually travel easily and straightforwardly to its distance journey, but are frequently changing course, like the ships on oceans, which sailing zigzag, forwards and backwards in order to arrive safely at their distance port. Is it not only natural and plausible to miss one's footing on one's journey, but necessary for one's intellectual and spiritual development. Our mistakes bring us where we are today. Every life mishap is essential to move our selves a little further spiritually and intellectually.

Thomas Carlyle the Scottish thinker, preferred hurdles, mishaps and suffering for his spiritual development. Many of us love what money wealth can buy, but all of us eventually admire what adversity sometimes brings. Trees, plants, shrubs and flowers, need their seasonal reluctances to grow strong, perfect, and fruitful. They don't fear storms, lighting and winters frozen white carpets, but co-existent patiently together in order to produce their better crops one day. The dough of bread, suffers patiently the ovens scorching lava in order to bake well into a tasty delicious loaf. The same storms and struggles cross the human nature until their mind and soul mature to profound thinking, love and human understanding. The stationery minds fear and hate any progress of knowledge, because it reveals their ignorance and their weakly nature. Prefer better the shadows comfort, than the blistering sunrays that burning though, but promoting always their growth.

It reminds me of a little story of an Indian vegetarian who was eating fresh figs at Square of Calcutta. He was eulogizing at same time the virtues of his figs and the purity of vegetarianism to passing pedestrians. One pedestrian offered him a magnifying glass that he was holding in his hand, to look deeper in to his figs.

Proudly he took the magnifying glass and looked deeper into his figs. He was shocked to see his beloved figs covered with countless maggots. He threw the magnify glass away shouting angrily to the pedestrian, "Take you're rubbishy glass back Satan, he said, because without it my figs were pure, tasty and free from any worms.

Merchants with ossified old ideas, insist that their products are the only pure and beneficial ones, and all others are illegitimate and dangerous for human beings. They are even ready to go to war in order to protect their beloved old antiques.

Merchants with new ideas saying; Take for nothing what ever suits you from our produce and reject what ever does not please you. Our new ideas are always inside in every HUMAN nature and named "KNOW THY SELF". The old ideas though, are always in the hands of antique- keepers who shout with threatening voice: 'Pay and obey'.

The new ideas don't offer paradisiacal everlasting life, nor are they threatening for a protracted hell if you reject them. They hold their views light, placid and peacefully. They do not believe in force, coercion, and vindictiveness, because all their products are biological possessions for every human being and there isn't any fear for fierce competition. 
They offer only continuous hard work, persisting efforts, and courage for any difficulty in life ahead. The only pleasure that they give, is that allowing your life to unfold accordingly within the laws of nature. Those natural laws are divine and every human being is holy who allows these laws to pass unobstructed inside them.

The holders of old ideas condemn polemically the new ideas, because fear that they are not in line with theirs. The old ideas offer no regeneration to the human brain cells, but are rather inclined to mental blockage, premature aging and psychosomatically disintegration. No drug or remedy invented yet to cure this dreadful disease. Only with a new incarnation is there some hope. The new ideas are free and always regenerate the brain cells. The only punishments that are given are our own personal responsibility, or we are living them or we losing them. The compensation that one gets when one lives them is THE MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL FREEDOM.


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