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Training Your Human Spirit - Key to Balanced Success by Uzo Onukwugha

Your heart condition is the most important determinant of your authority and destiny on planet earth. This is because your spirit nature is the foundation and essence of your being and existence. Everything within and without you rises or falls depending on how you program your spirit-nature. The human spirit is like your hard drive Just as the hard drive drives every data in the computer, your heart runs the affairs of your life. The computer hard drive stores information in the form of electromagnetic energy. The same applies to your spirit man. Therefore this repository of energy can create, attract or lead you to whatever your core desire is or whatever you are programming for life. Everything in life is created first in the invisible world of the spirit before it materializes in the natural world of matter. In the same way, God has placed eternity in the hearts of men. "As it is within, so is it without," says an Oriental maxim. Some people call this the law of correspondence.

The key to success is being (what you become) which will determine doing (or what you do) and have (what you possess). Success, therefore is the ability of a trained spirit to dominate the body through a renewed mind. And the Holy Spirit dominating the human spirit which is now free to create. Genius is nothing but the Spirit of God working in an open and programmed heart. Thus, your heart condition is the core of your success quest. By the way, know that you can train your human spirit just like you can develop your intellect or your muscles. You grow on what you feed on. Therefore, the best way to develop the human spirit is by using the Word of God and performing spiritual exercises outlined below.

Here are five cardinal ways to train your human spirit:

Meditation--This is akin to storing and rehearsing the Word of God in your mind again and again. It is like planting the seeds of God's thought in your heart and let your consciousness grow it. This is like the cow chewing the cod. Take five to ten minutes thinking over the word of God especially the areas that is related to your goal. Find Scriptures that relate to your challenges and soak yourself with the ideas of God concerning those areas. Do it at least twice a day--morning and night. In meditation, God talks to you but in prayer, you talk to God. Whatever you program into your heart is what comes out of your mouth.

Positive confessions--After charging and activating the word by meditation, it is time to speak it out. You only change situations when you first speak to it. That's how God created the universe by the law of spoken word. Confession or affirmation is the most powerful way of turning your faith loose. Your self-confidence, personal power, self-direction and achievement start with words. It is also your words that conditions your spirit and renews your mind. This is because spirits respond to sound energy with emotions. Every time you say the same thing you reinforce success language. There are two types of confessions: auto suggestion and proclamations. Auto-suggestion is the conversation or running commentary between you and your spirit. This is unconscious programming beyond human awareness. The conscious one is the speech everybody hears from your mouth. Confessing what you want is the beginning of deliberate creation.

Prayer--Prevailing prayer is the life wire or the breath of human existence. The best prayer that gets result is praying God's Word concerning you back to Him. Prayer is the most powerful 'atomic energy' known to man. The human spirit soars in the place of intensive prayer. It is one of the most powerful way to release energy and supercharge your spiritual battery. Prayer is how you generate power, attract grace, provision and protection from the Almighty. Effective prayer is prayer that gets results. Praying the word of God in the spirit is the most effective, direct and powerful form of prayer. It is like building your spirit 'building your spirit brick by brick.'

Fasting--This is another powerful way to build your human spirit. You must live a fasted life if you must see success with your fasting. The flesh and its desires are what causes our failures. When the spirit dominates as in fasting, there is increased business intuition, revelation knowledge,opportunity awareness, money making ideas, creativity, breakthroughs, protective aura, favors, and breaking of demonic strongholds and bad habits. Thus, roadblocks to success are removed. Fasting brings the body under subjection and let's the spirit nature dominate. When the cravings of the mortal body go down, the spirit gains ascendency. "A praying believer is a confident believer; but a fasting believer is an overcoming believer," says Mahesh Chavda.

Praise and worship--Worship is the reason of our being. That's why God created man in the first place. The human spirit soars in the place of worship. We are transformed in His Image at the altar of worship. Human are judged in God's scale of preference according to their capacity to worship. Worship is the shortest distance between your breakthrough and God's throne. In praise, you extol the Lord for what He does; but in worship, you ascribe worth or value to God for what He is over your life. Worship is the most powerful way of cultivating a heart of gratitude. In God's presence is the fullness of joy and in his right hand is pleasures forevermore. "When you cultivate His presence, you enjoy His pleasures." This is called practising the presence of God or developing God's consciousness. Because God does things in dimensions, there are two types of God's presence in any believer. The Holy Spirit presence is the abiding presence and the one that comes and goes is the shekinar glory. There is no true worshipper of God that lacks anything. And those who know this does not trade worship for any silver or gold. Overall, prosperity always flows from a heart of gratitude which in turn determines your altitude.

Practicing the word--Application of what you meditate on is what brings manifestation or results. One of the most important ways to get power is in doing, not meditating or talking about it. "It is the law of nature that those who do have the power and those who don't have no power," says Waldo Emerson. When you take action you get satisfaction. Your thoughts create your desire but it is your action that brings it to you. Taking action is the most powerful way of programming the human spirit for success. The Word only works when you work it. Doing nothing is sure way of going nowhere. When your trained spirit ask you to do something, do it immediately. In the spirit realm and in life, timing can be everything. Business is all about opportunity and opportunity hinges on time. Money always flows to where there is opportunity. This is why taking action is critical to manifestation as the law of attraction kicks in.


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