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"Twelve Qualities of Spirit - Abundance" by Peri Coeurtney Enkin

The Spiritual Quality of Abundance is one of the more tricky energies to tap into. Not because it is more illusive or distant, but because we have so many thoughts that work against it. To feel the natural flow of abundance we have to untangle and disconnect some of our faulty thinking.

If you let your thoughts merge with those of mass consciousness you will have a lot of trouble believing that there is enough of anything to go around. Tap into the collective buzz about money, food, happiness, good men and women and you will quickly decide there is a shortage of everything you want.

When you think about money what pops into your mind first? 
When I ask this question in my groups most people give me one of the following responses:

"I have to work hard to get it."

"I do not have enough."

"I want more."

"I am afraid that what I do have will run out!"

If the first thing you think of when you contemplate the spiritual quality of abundance is money you might want to consider another approach.

The key to connecting with this, or any spiritual quality is to experience the essence of the quality on an energy level first. When we feel the flow of abundance into our lives we feel filled up. As we choose to focus upon feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment something inside of us shifts. For brief moments and then longer and longer stretches of time the places inside where we have gotten stuck believing we are empty naturally fill up.

Here are a few readily accessible examples of abundance to help you remember and connect with the feeling of abundance right now.

* Consider the grains of sand on a beach.

* Imagine the drops of water in the ocean.

* Think of snowflakes falling on a winter night.

* Wonder at a field of sunflowers and the seeds produced on just one plant.

* Picture the stars that make up the Milky Way.

What else comes to mind that is abundant in your life? 
Good friends? Children? Music? Dreams? Hopes?

Whenever you feel empty practice generating feelings of fullness. Yes, it takes discipline at first. We need to train the mind to turn from it's dominant focus on problems to see what is wonderful about life. Whenever you feel that you lack something imagine having an ever-flowing supply. Choose to imagine having plenty, knowing more than enough, and receiving all that you want into your life.

Remind yourself that this is an abundance universe and there are creative possibilities that you have not yet thought of. Abundance requires us to think outside of the box.

Once you know how to generate feelings of fullness inside, imagine a steady flow of money into your bank account. See a spigot in the sky and imagine that you are in the process of opening the flow of abundance into all of the rooms of your life. Imagine unexpected money showing up in your mailbox. Anticipate miracles.

What you thought was lacking is very likely to show up when you practice seeing the world from a state of fullness instead of lack.

The Connection Option: Abundance

The natural essence of spirit is abundant, full, unlimited and prosperous. There is no shortage in spirit, no lack, no doing without. Our consciousness has been separate from this natural state of abundance. We think ourselves to be limited, and deficient. These limiting thoughts manifest and out-picture as the circumstances of our lives. Connecting and cultivating a consciousness of abundance is the foundation for an abundant life now.

As a Victim:

I hold on tight. I grasp, cling and grip on for dear life. I do not believe there is enough to go around. If you have what I want then I might miss out. I struggle to get ahead and it never seems to happen. I feel empty inside.

As a Creator:

I know that I live in a world of unlimited wealth, resources, wisdom and love. There is no shortage in my world. I give freely of the abundant energy that moves in and through me. As I give I am filled. The abundant energy of life circulates easily and freely through my consciousness and expresses itself in all areas of my life.

Action for Abundance:

I let myself fill up with the wonders of my life!


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