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"Universal Healing" by Michelle Morovaty

Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out. We love to honor you.

Great Goodly day to you all. Yes! Goodly day to you all.

I love you. I love you. I love you. As you love to be loved with prayers of Blessings.


Tools for life - Universal Healing

Hello! Universal Healing expressing itself to you Here and Now. 
Universal Healing everywhere present as you open up to your True Nature and reap the benefits inside and out. 
Universal Healing all the way around and Right where you reside. 
Universal Healing in your own consciousness and in mine. 
Universal Healing as you open up your eyes and ears and open to the essence of all that Is.

Where is Universal Healing? If and when you truly choose to be open and receptive to this Healing you shall experience it in all things. You shall experience it in all people. You shall experience it in all situations.

Until then what do you want out of your life? 
Until Now you have wondered perhaps and not known. Until Now you have wanted others to tell you what it is you like and dislike. Until Now you have been aware but not awake, perhaps.

Universal Healing here expressing to you this truth. I am here. I am ever present. 
I am the presence of the almighty. You experience me in such a way that your whole being tingles with delight.

You may know me as the vibrations in light and love. 
You may see me in such ways as to the beauty all round, including those whom you love and not love. 
You may feel me in your heart as your heart opens to hope and trust. 
You may hear me in the whoosh of the wind as I am moving through the energy in the Now. 
You may hear me in your inner ear as I present to you guidance that you have longed for. 
You may sense me to your right, to your left, up above and so below. And so I am in front of you and in back of you. 
You may notice me here and there as your mouth waters with awe as to the surprises in your life. 
You may call upon me and notice that the pain you once knew has Now dissipated. Say goodbye to the unwanted and let the presence of Universal Healing shine within and without.

Call upon the Universal Healing ever present to heal you and all parts of your life. 
Call upon the Universal Healing Energy in the Now. While awake and while asleep.

Universal Healing hears you beyond the human limitations. With acceptance of the possibilities of Universal Healing, All Things Are Possible. Even a transmutation of the doubt you may experiencing Now.

The time is here for you to meet something of greater warmth and delight if you so choose to. 
You can in fact change things around by connecting to the Universal Healing ever present. 
And what are these things? They are Things such as your physical state, your emotional state, your mental state and your spiritual state.

How do you and I and all know this to be the truth? Simply by allowing ourselves to be present to reap the benefits within and without. Co-creation is the call at this time with Universal Healing.

You have absolutely nothing to lose except your doubts and fears.

Please feel free to forward and share these Insights with your family, friends, teachers, students, co-workers and enemies to Heal the whole planet.

May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

With Love, Gratitude and Respect, 
Michelle Morovaty 
Truly, With God All Things Are Possible


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