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"Words Have Power - Watch How You Wield Your Powerful Words" by Lynne Lee

Have Your Words Ever Got You Into Trouble?

Words are more powerful than you realise. They have the power to

  • wound or heal
  • discourage or encourage
  • criticise or praise
  • tear down or build up

Do you ever think about the words you speak and the power they carry? I challenge you to monitor your words for a day.

  • notice whether they're positive or negative
  • notice the effect they have

I don't just mean the words you speak to other people. Take notice of the words you speak to yourself too.

  • what words do you habitually say to yourself?
  • What do you tell yourself about yourself?

I think you'll be surprised at how many negative things you say. It's time to stop and think about the words you speak and the effect they have on you and other people.

Truths that will change your life and help to transform the lives of the people around you

Research shows that words have emotional, physical and spiritual impact. The words you speak can lift you up or send you into a downward spiral. They can cause physical changes in your body and change the spirtual atmosphere.

Words have the power to build bridges. They have the capacity to close the gap between you and other people. They help you to connect with people and with God. They can also demolish bridges and make it impossible to heal a rift.

God spoke words in the spiritual realm to make things happen in the physical world.

When God, who is Spirit, wants something to happen in the natural realm - He speaks. God spoke this physical world into existence.

You are created in God's image. Like God, you have the power to create with your words. I'm not suggesting that you have the same power as God, but there is something of Him in you. You aren't just a physical being, you're a spiritual being too.

Your words have more power than you imagine. There's something creative and powerful about the words you speak. That's why you need to think before you speak.

The first step, is to become aware of what you're saying. The second, is to choose to exercise self control. Your words have the power to bring life or death to your life, your relationships and your future.


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