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When you write your booklet manuscript, you should think of it as a road-map for your audience to follow. Your information should NEVER be vague or leave your readers guessing as to what you're really trying to say. The information should be easy to understand yet fun to read.

Relevant Information Only Please
Since a booklet is a small publication, you don't have room for information that isn't absolutely necessary. You want to give the facts, or a taste of the whole, like giving the peanut butter and jelly without the bread.

Every word you write in your manuscript should be relevant to your subject and what you're trying to tell the reader to do. Words or phrases that are not relevant, or that confuse, or that add additional information that really isn't necessary in order for the reader to get the idea, should be left out.

Your booklet should be jam-packed with useful information that is completely relevant to your subject. Anything less will bore your audience and leave them disappointed.

Make Your Writing Colorful
Being relevant doesn't mean you have to be boring. You want your information to be presented in way that is engaging. This not only gets your audience to read your booklet, it also gets them excited about it - hopefully to the extent that they will want to tell others about this great piece of information they have found.

So, how can you engage your readers? By dressing up your writing a little and using some colorful words that help to create an image in the reader's mind. You want to avoid over using common words, and replace them with more colorful ones that your readers will still understand.

For example, instead of using the word excited, you might use "on fire," or "fired up." You see this kind of thing all the time in advertising. Instead of saying "raise" your income, you'll see "skyrocket" your income. It means the same thing, but the word 'skyrocket' gives the phrase some extra oomph.

Don't over do the more colorful words. Think of them like seasoning. Too much salt will spoil it. You want just the right amount.

Give Complete Information
Your manuscript should give a complete picture. It won't do your readers any good if your manuscript has some relevant facts, but not enough to give the reader a clear sense of what to do. And no amount of colorful words will fix this problem either.

Your manuscript is really like a set of directions. Imagine you were driving to a place in a city you had never been to before. If your road-map only took you half way there, you would have a problem. Just as you would need a complete set of directions to find that place in the city, so your readers need complete information (although condensed to fit into a booklet) to be able to accomplish what your booklet promises they can.


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