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"Love - What Are You?"by E. Raymond Rock

Love. Stay! Do you understand?
I want you. Stay!

Are you my love? Will you make me happy?
Please make me happy. Be my love. Stay!

Will you always love me? Love me forever?
Please love me forever. Be my love. Stay!

Are you my love? Will you change?
Please don't change. Be my love, Stay!

Will you make me sad? Go away then, don't you understand?
I don't want you. Go away!

You don't love me? Then go away, don't you understand?

I don't want you. Go away!

But I need love. Please don't go away, don't you understand?
I need love. Stay!

Love. What are you? I need you.
Please don't go away. Stay!

Emptiness. Go away! Don't you understand?
I don't want you. Go away!

But I am real, says emptiness.

No! That cannot be! Emptiness cannot be real.
Only love is real. I don't want emptiness. Go away!

But I am the doorway to unconditional love, says emptiness.

No! No! You frighten me!
I don't want you. Go away!

To love one and hate another is not unconditional love, says emptiness.

Don't disturb my dreams.
Emptiness, I don't want you. Go away!

But I am always with you, says emptiness.

No. You are not here. I am happy!
I don't want you. Stay away!

Just come through my doorway, says emptiness.

No! No! You lie! I love Love.
I don't want emptiness. Stay away

Love is your heartache, says emptiness.

I am nothing without love.
You lie, emptiness. Stay away!

You are nothing, says emptiness.

I am nothing? I am nothing? . . . I am nothing.

Yes, says emptiness, you have at last crossed my threshold.
Now . . . you are unconditional love.


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