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Are You Being Creative? by Michelle Morovaty

Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out and the Daily Universal Insights.

Country to country Oneness taking place as we open up our hearts to serve humanity.

I love you. I love you . I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.

Take a deep breath and exhale with a breath of blessing for the whole world.

Are You Being Creative?

Are you being Creative? This is such a simple question that can really enhance your being and unleash who you are.

Are you feeling suppressed and closed? I wonder if you are being Creative in your life!

Are you feeling de-pressed and anxious? I wonder if you are being Creative in your life!

Are you energetic and super high with who you are? I wonder if you are being Creative in your life!

Are you feeling love or joy in your heart? I wonder if you are being your Creative wondrous self!

Are you attached or detached to the future? I wonder of you are being your Creative Faithful self!

Your Creativity is your God self revealing itself in your life as you in so many ways. Do you allow? Are you open to expanding your Creativity in such a way that has a positive impact and effect on yourself and others?

If Yes, Well Fantastic!

And if No, Well why Not! Is anyone stopping you? And the honest truth to this answer is if really someone has you tied up or choked up in such a way that you can't move or touch yourself or anyone else. I think Not! So the truth is that most likely no one is stopping you from being Creative in your life.

Now some people may be thinking by now that they don't paint, dance, mold and shape clay or other means of Creation so they are Not Creative. And so the truth of it is that Creativity reveals itself in so many ways that it is unstoppable just like you. Your True Self is so expanded and aligned with the truth.

Look all you beautiful people, we are here to open up and allow and reveal our Creativity on to humanity. There is no limitation or judgment on Creativity.

I encourage you today to take a few moments and ask yourself "how can I be Creative in my life"? 
I encourage you to be Authentic with yourself.

I encourage you to take action upon the answer you receive from your own True Self.

I encourage you to be proud of your God given abilities and qualities.

I encourage you to let go and be present to the ideas presented to you by the Universe.

I encourage you to thrive by your own unique presence.

I encourage you to let go of the grudges and instead plant seeds of Love, Abundance and Unity.

I invite you all to take a good look inside of yourself today and allow your Creative Self to speak to you and to allow Oneness to take place within you. For you are truly worthy and deserving of knowing the truth about your Creative Self.

Bless you and so it is.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Please feel free to forward and share these Insights with your family, friends, associates, helpers, teachers, boss, students and enemies to Create a world of Oneness and Creativity.

May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

With Love, Gratitude and Respect,

Michelle Morovaty

Truly, With God All Things Are Possible


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