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Recharge Your Mind-Body-Soul by Michelle Morovaty

Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out and the Daily Universal Insights.

Country to Country Oneness takes place as we Unite and allow the light to recharge our beings.

I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.

Bless you and have a Gorgeous day.

Recharge Your Mind/Body/Soul

Here we go! Put on your thinking cap. Put on your letting go cap. Put on your vitality cap.

Here we go! Clear out the past. Take out the dust pan and clear your mind of the unwanted dust.

Here we go! Take a deep breath and cleanse your Soul with the presence of the Now.

Here we go! Look to our Right and Left and all the way around. There is plenty to do to revitalize your Body.

Now is the time to Recharge your Mind/Body/Soul and in midst of doing so you will unconditionally have a very positive and encouraging effect on those loved ones around you.

Whatever is your motivation today let it be done.

How can you Recharge your Mind today?

You know, get it going or by being still not get it going. How can you still your Mind with all the thoughts waving and storming by? By simply acknowledging each thought. Do what you can to correct your concerns and surrender to the Universe those thoughts that are creating bondage for you. Give your unwanted concerns to the Universe to take care of and allow the Universe to open doors for you to walk through.

How can you Recharge your Body today?

Are you ready to declare to yourself what it is that is positively good and beneficial for your Body? 
Exercising your Body to Create a wondrous presence of the Divine within you as your Body. Stretching it to its flexible self to experience high definition all the way around. Feed it nutritious and natural foods and drinks to hydrate, therefore creating a clearing of the energy within you to flow.

One day we hear that coffee is good for us. Another we hear that tea is good for us. And the next we hear that chocolate is good for us and so on, until we are so confused that we decide to consume everything in sight just to clear up our confusion.

Here is a very natural and modest tip for you. Pay attention to your body. Your body is your radar. It knows best what is most beneficial for you. It is with you as you all the time. Now isn't this a good reason to trust your Body?

How can you Recharge your Soul today?

And where is your Soul? Your Soul is deep within you as you as your heart and your purpose for being alive. Your Soul is the presence of the all Mighty light of all creation. Your Soul is special as you are.

To recharge your Soul is to keep on going with the natural presence of who you are. To accept what is, to forgive and to move into motion the attitude of Gratitude. Your Soul is the joy within you as you smile and are revived with the presence of all beauty in all things. Your Soul is the presence in you that Unites with the knowing that we are all one.

Be in the present with all things and Recharge your Soul as God is one with all in the Now. So are you. Breathe this life one moment at a time and Recharge your soul in the presence of the dance of life. Move from here to there as you paint this life ever so plainly and Authentically. Be good to yourself and rejoice in and with your Soul as you.

You are the Creator of Recharging your whole being into wholeness. Do it with ease and grace and create Harmony one day at a time. As this life is a life of process with all as all.

I encourage you today to be one with yourself, to open up to yourself and be honest to yourself. Where in your life are you Not being Authentic with yourself? And where in your life are you being Authentic with yourself?

Go for it! You are strong and courageous. Open up to receive the truth from within you and take action upon correcting that which needs correction. You are loved. For God and the Universe Love you inside and out.

Bless you and so it is.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Please free to forward and share these Insights with your family, friends, associates, students, teachers, boss, helpers and enemies to create a world of Oneness inside and out.

May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.


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